New Csound Tools for Real-time Spectral Processing. Richard Dobson, August 2001 pvsinfo,pvsanal,pvsynth,pvsadsyn,pvsfread,pvscross,pvsmaska,pvsftw,pvsftr Introduction. With these opcodes, two new core facilities are added to Csound. They offer improved audio quality, and fast performance, enabling high-quality analysis and resynthesis (together with transformations) to be applied in real-time to live signals. The original Csound phase vocoder remains unaltered; the new opcodes use an entirely separate set of functions based on "pvoc.c" in the CARL distribution, written by Mark Dolson. The Csound dnoise and srconv utilities (also by Dolson, from CARL) also use this pvoc engine. CARL pvoc is also the basis for the phase vocoder included in the Composers Desktop Project.. A few small but important modifications have been made to the original CARL code to support real-time streaming. Primary facilities. (1) support for the new PVOC-EX analysis file format. This is a fully portable (cross-platform) open file format, supporting three analysis formats, and multi-channel signals. Currently only the standard amplitude+frequency format has been implemented in the opcodes, but the file format itself supports amplitude+phase and complex (real-imaginary) formats. In addition to the new opcodes, the original Csound pvoc opcodes have been extended (and thereby with enhanced audio quality in some cases) to read PVOC-EX files as well as the original (non-portable) format. Full details of the structure of a PVOC-EX file are available via the website: This site also gives details of the freely available console programs pvocex and pvocex2 which can be used to create PVOC-EX files in all supported formats. (2) a new frequency-domain signal type, fully streamable, with 'f' as the leading character. In this document it is conveniently referred to as an 'fsig'. Primary support for fsigs is provided by the opcodes pvsanal and pvsynth, which perform conventional phase vocoder overlap-add analysis and resynthesis, independently of the orchestra control-rate. The only requirement is that the control-rate kr be higher than or equal to the analysis rate, which can be expressed by the requirement that ksmps <= overlap, where overlap is the distance in samples between analysis frames, as specified for pvsanal. As overlap is typically at least 128, and more usually 256, this is not an onerous restriction in practice. The opcode pvsinfo can be used at init time to acquire the properties of an fsig. The fsig enables the nominal separation between the analysis and resynthesis stages of the phase vocoder to be exposed to the Csound programmer, so that not only can alternatives be employed for either or both of these stages (not only oscillator-bank resynthesis, but also the generation of synthetic fsig streams), but opcodes, operating on the fsig stream, can themselves become more elemental. Thus the fsig enables the creation of a true streaming plugin framework for frequency domain signals. With the old pvoc opcodes, each opcode is required to act as a resynthesiser, so that facilities such as pitch scaling are duplicated in each opcode; and in many cases the opcodes are parameter-rich. The separation of analysis and synthesis stages by means of the fsig encourages the development of a wide range of simple building-block opcodes implementing one or two functions, with which more elaborate processes can be constructed. This is very much a preliminary and experimental release, and it is possible that the precise definition of the opcodes may change, in response to user feedback. Also, clearly, many new possibilities for opcodes are opened up; these factors may also have a retrospective influence on the opcodes presented here. Note that some opcode parameters currently have restricted or missing implementation. This is at least in part in order to keep the opcodes simple at this stage, and also because they highlight important design issues on which no decision has yet been made, and on which opinions from users are sought. One important point about the new signal type is that because the analysis rate is typically much lower than kr, new analysis frames are not available on each k-cycle. Internally, the opcodes track ksmps, and also maintain a frame counter, so that frames are read and written at the correct times; this process is generally transparent to the user. However, it means that k-rate signals only act on an fsig at the analysis rate, not at each k-cycle. The opocde pvsftw returns a k-rate flag that is set when new fsig data is valid. Because of the nature of the overlap-add system, the use of these opcodes incurs a small but significant delay, or latency, determined by the window size (max(ifftsize,iwinsize)). This is typically around 23msecs. In this first release, the delay is slightly in excess of the theoretical minimum, and it is hoped that it can be reduced, as the opcodes are further optimized for real-time streaming. The opcodes. fsig pvsanal ain,ifftsize,ioverlap,iwinsize,iwintype[,iformat,iinit] Generate an fsig from a mono audio source ain, using phase vocoder overlap-add analysis. ifftsize: the FFT size in samples. Need not be a power of two (though these are especially efficient), but must be even. Odd numbers are rounded up internally. ifftsize determines the number of analysis bins in fsig, as ifftsize/2 + 1. For example, where ifftsize = 1024, fsig will contain 513 analysis bins, ordered linearly from the fundamental to Nyquist. The fundamental of analysis (which in principle gives the lowest resolvable frequency) is determined as sr/ifftsize. Thus, for the example just given and assuming sr = 44100, the fundamental of analysis is 43.07Hz. In practice, due to the phase-preserving nature of the phase vocoder, the frequency of any bin can deviate bilaterally, so that DC components are recorded. Given a strongly pitched signal, frequencies in adjacent bins can bunch very closely together, around partials in the source, and the lowest bins may even have negative frequencies. As a rule, the only reason to use a non power-of-two value for ifftsize would be to match the known fundamental frequency of a strongly pitched source. Values with many small factors can be almost as efficient as power-of-two sizes; for example: 384, for a source pitched at around low A=110Hz. ioverlap: the distance in samples ('hop size') between overlapping analysis frames. As a rule, this needs to be at least ifftsize/4, e.g. 256 for the example above. ioverlap determines the underlying analysis rate, as sr/ioverlap. ioverlap does not require to be a simple factor of ifftsize; for example a value of 160 would be legal. The choice of ioverlap may be dictated by the degree of pitch modification applied to the fsig, if any. As a rule of thumb, the more extreme the pitch shift, the higher the analysis rate needs to be, and hence the smaller the value for ioverlap. A higher analysis rate can also be advantageous with broadband transient sounds, such as drums (where a small analysis window gives less smearing, but more frequency-related errors). Note that is is possible, and reasonable, to have distinct fsigs in an orchestra (even in the same instrument), running at different analysis rates. Interactions between such fsigs is currently unsupported, and the fsig assignment opcode does not allow copying between fsigs with different properties, even if the only difference is in ioverlap. However, this is not a closed issue, as it is possible in theory to achieve crude rate conversion (especially with regard to in-memory analysis files) in ways analogous to time-domain techniques. iwinsize: the size in samples of the analysis window filter (as set by iwintype). This must be at least ifftsize, and can usefully be larger. Though other proportions are permitted, it is recommended that iwinsize always be an integral multiple of ifftsize, e.g. 2048 for the example above. Internally, the analysis window (Hamming, von Hann) is multiplied by a sinc function, so that amplitudes are zero at the boundaries between frames. The larger analysis window size has been found to be especially important for oscillator bank resynthesis (e.g. using pvsadsyn), as it has the effect of increasing the frequency resolution of the analysis, and hence the accuracy of the resynthesis. As noted above, iwinsize determines the overall latency of the analysis/resynthesis system. In many cases, and especially in the absence of pitch modifications, it will be found that setting iwinsize=ifftsize works very well, and offers the lowest latency. iwintype: the shape of the analysis window. Currently only two choices are implemented: 0 = Hamming window 1 = von Hann window. Both are also supported by the PVOC-EX file format. The window type is stored as an internal attribute of the fsig, together with the other parameters (see pvsinfo). Other types may be implemented later on (e.g. the Kaiser window, also supported by PVOC-EX), though an obvious alternative is to enable windows to be defined via a function table. The main issue here is the constraint of f-tables to power-of-two sizes, so this method does not offer a complete solution. Most users will find the Hamming window meets all normal needs, and can be regarded as the default choice. iformat: the analysis format. Currently only one format is implemented by this opcode: 0 = amplitude + frequency This is the classic phase vocoder format; easy to process, and a natural format for oscillator-bank resynthesis. It would be very easy (tempting, one might say) to treat an fsig frame not purely as a phase vocoder frame but as a generic additive synthesis frame. It is indeed possible to use an fsig this way, but it is important to bear in mind that the two are not, strictly speaking, directly equivalent. Other important formats (supported by PVOC-EX) are: 1 = amplitude + phase 2 = complex (real + imaginary) iformat is provided in case it proves useful later to add support for these other formats. Formats 0 and 1 are very closely related (as the phase is 'wrapped' in both cases - it is a trivial matter to convert from one to the other), but the complex format might warrant a second explicit signal type (a 'csig') specifically for convolution-based processes, and other processes where the full complement of arithmetic operators may be useful. iinit: skip reinitialzation. This is not currently implemented for any of these opcodes, and it remains to be seen if it is even practical. Example: ain in ; live source fin pvsanal ain,1024,256,2048,0 ; analyse, using Hamming fout pvsmaska fin,1,0.75 ; apply eq from f-table aout pvsynth fout ; and resynthesize ar pvsynth fsrc ar pvsadsyn fsrc,inoscs,kfmod[,ibinoffset,ibinincr,iinit] Resynthesise fsrc using either FFT overlap-add (pvsynth) or fast oscillator-bank (pvsadsyn). pvsadsyn is experimental, and implements the oscillator bank using a fast direct calculation method, rather than a lookup table. This takes advantage of the fact, empirically arrived at, that for the analysis rates generally used, (and presuming analysis using pvsanal, where frequencies in a bin change only slightly between frames) it is not necessary to interpolate frequencies between frames, only amplitudes. Accurate resynthesis is often contingent on the use of pvsanal with iwinsize = ifftsize*2. This opcode is the most likely to change, or be much extended, according to feedback and advice from users. It is likely that a full interpolating table-based method will be added, via a further optional iarg. The parameter list to pvsadsyn mimics that for pvadd, but excludes spectral extraction. inoscs: the number of analysis bins to synthesise. Cannot be larger than the size of fsrc (see pvsinfo, below), e.g. as created by pvsanal. Processing time is directly proportional to inoscs. kfmod: scale all frequencies by factor kfmod. 1.0 = no change, 2 = up one octave. ibinoffset: the first (lowest) bin to resynthesise, counting from 0 (default = 0). ibinincr: starting from bin ibinoffset, resnthesise bins ibinincr apart. Example: ; resynth the first 100 odd-numbered bins, with pitch scaling envelope. kpch linseg 1,p3/3,1,p3/3,1.5,p3/3,1 aout pvsadsyn fsrc, 100,kpch,1,2 ioverlap,inumbins,iwinsize,iformat pvsinfo fsrc Get format information about an fsig, whether created by an opcode such as pvsanal, or obtained from a PVOCEX file by pvsfread. This information is available at init time, and can be used to set parameters for other pvs~ opcodes, and in particular for creating function tables (e.g. for pvsftw), or setting the number of oscillators for pvsadsyn. ioverlap: the stream overlap size. inumbins: the number of analysis bins (amplitude+frequency) in fsrc. The underlying FFT size is calculated as (inumbins-1) * 2. iwinsize: the analysis window size. May be larger than the FFT size. iformat: the analysis frame format. If fsrc is created by an opcode, iformat will always be 0, signifying amplitude+frequency. If fsrc is defined from a PVOC-EX file, iformat may also have the value 1 or 2 (amplitude+phase, complex). Example: fin pvsfread "test.pvx" ; import pvocex file iovl,inb,iws,ifmt pvsinfo fin ; get inumbins info ifn ftgen 0,0,inb,10,1 ; and create f-table fsig pvsfread ktimpt,ifn[,ichan] Create an fsig stream by reading a selected channel from a PVOC-EX analysis file loaded into memory, with frame interpolation. Only format 0 files (amplitude+frequency) are currently supported. The operation of this opcode mirrors that of pvoc, but outputs an fsig instead of a resynthesized signal. ktimpt: Time pointer into analysis file, in seconds. See the description of the same parameter of pvoc for usage. ifn: name of the analysis file. This must have the .pvx file extension. A multi-channel PVOC-EX file can be generated using the extended pvanal utility (see below). ichan: the channel to read (counting from 0). Default is 0. Note that analysis files can be very large, especially if multi-channel. Reading such files into memory will very likely incur breaks in the audio during real-time performance. As the file is read only once, and is then available to all other interested opcodes, it can be expedient to arrange for a dedicated instrument to preload all such analysis files at startup. Example: idur filelen "test.pvx" ; find duration of (stereo) analysis file kpos line 0,p3,idur ; to ensure we process whole file fsigr pvsfread kpos,"test.pvx",1 ; create fsig from R channel (NB: as this example shows, the filelen opcode has been extended to accept both old and new analysis file formats). fsig pvscross fsrc,fdest,kamp1,kamp2 Perform cross-synthesis between two source fsigs. The operation of this opcode is identical to that of pvcross (q.v.), except in using fsigs rather than analysis files, and the absence of spectral envelope preservation. The amplitudes from fsrc are applied to fdest, using scale factors kamp1 and kamp2 respectively. kamp1 and kamp2 must not exceed the range 0 to 1. With this opcode, cross-synthesis can be performed on real-time audio input, by using pvsanal to generate fsrc and fdest. These must have the same format. Example: kcross linseg 0,p3/3,0,p3/3,1,p3/3,1 ; progressive cross-synthesis fcross pvscross fsig1,fsig2,1-kcross,kcross across pvsynth fcross fsig pvsmaska fsrc,ifn,kdepth Modify amplitudes of fsrc using function table, with dynamic scaling. ifn : the f-table to use. Given fsrc has N analysis bins, table ifn must be of size N or larger. The table need not be normalized, but values should lie within the range 0 to 1. It can be supplied from the score in the usual way, or from within the orchestra by using pvsinfo (see below) to find the size of fsrc, (returned by pvsinfo in inbins), which can then be passed to ftgen to create the f-table. kdepth : controls the degree of modification applied to fsrc, using simple linear scaling. 0 leaves amplitudes unchanged, 1 applies the full profile of ifn. Note that power-of-two FFT sizes are particularly convenient when using table-based processing, as the number of analysis bins (inbins) is then a power-of-two plus one, for which an exactly matching f-table can be created. In this case it is important that the f-table be created with a size of inbins, rather than as a power of two, as the latter will copy the first table value to the guard point, which is inappropriate for this opcode. Example (using score-supplied f-table, assuming fsig fftsize = 1024): ; score f-table using cubic spline to define shaped peaks f1 0 513 8 0 2 1 3 0 4 1 6 0 10 1 12 0 16 1 32 0 1 0 427 0 asig buzz 20000,199,50,3 ; pulsewave source fsig pvsanal asig,1024,256,1024,0 ; create fsig kmod linseg 0,p3/2,1,p3/2,0 ; simple control sig fsig pvsmaska fsig,2,kmod ; apply weird eq to fsig aout pvsynth fsig ; resynthesize, dispfft aout,0.1,1024 ; and view the effect This also illustrates that the usual Csound behaviour applies to fsigs; the same name can be used for both input and output. kflag pvsftw fsrc,ifna [,ifnf] pvsftr fsrc,ifna [,ifnf] Copy fsig amplitude and/or frequency data to (pvsftw) and from (pvsftr) function tables, for external processing. kflag: has the value 1 when new data is available, 0 otherwise. ifna : table at least inbins in size that stores amplitude data. Ignored if ifna = 0 ifnf : table at least inbins in size that stores frequency data. Ignored if ifnf = 0 These opcodes enable the contents of fsrc to be exchanged with function tables, for custom processing. Except when the frame overlap equals ksmps (which will generally not be the case), the frame data is not updated each control period, and the data in ifna, ifnf should only be processed when kflag is set to 1. To process only frequency data, set ifna to zero. As the functions tables are required only to store data from fsrc, there is no advantage in defining then in the score, and they should generally be created in the instrument, using ftgen. By exporting amplitude data, say, from one fsig and importing it into another, basic cross-synthesis (as in pvscross) can be performed, with the option to modify the data beforehand using the table manipulation opcodes. Note that the format data in the source fsig is not written to the tables. Used this way, these opcodes become potentially pathological, and can be relied upon to produce unexpected results. In such cases, resynthesis using pvsadsyn would almost certainly be required. Example: ifn ftgen 0,0,inbins,10,1 ; make ftable kflag pvsftw fsrc,ifn ; export amps to table, kamp init 0 if kflag==0 kgoto contin ; only proc when frame is ready ; kill lowest bins, for obvious effect tablew kamp,1,ifn tablew kamp,2,ifn tablew kamp,3,ifn tablew kamp,4,ifn ; read modified data back to fsig pvsftr fsrc,ifn contin: ; and resynth aout pvsynth fsrc Pvanal extension to create a PVOC-EX file. The standard Csound utility program pvanal has been extended to enable a PVOC-EX format file to be created, using the existing interface. To create a PVOC-EX file, the file name must be given the required extension, ".pvx", e.g. "test.pvx". The requirement for the FFT size to be a power of two is here relaxed, and any positive value is accepted; odd numbers are rounded up internally. However, power-of-two sizes are still to be preferred for all normal applications. The channel select flags are ignored, and all source channels will be analysed and written to the output file, up to a compiler-set limit of eight channels. The analysis window size (iwinsize) is set internally to double the FFT size. Use of PVOC-EX files with the old Csound pvoc opcodes. All the original pvoc opcodes can now read a PVOC-EX file, as well as the native non-portable file format. As the PVOC-EX file uses a double-size analysis window, users may find that this gives a useful improvement in quality, for some sounds and processes, despite the fact that the resynthesis does not use the same window size. Apart from the window size parameter, the main difference between the original .pv format and PVOC-EX is in the amplitude range of analysis frames. While rescaling is applied, so that no significant difference in output level is experienced, whichever file format is used, some slight loss of amplitude can still arise, as the double window usage itself modifies frame amplitudes, of which the resynthesis code is unaware. Note that all the original pv~ opcodes expect a mono analysis file, and multi-channel PVOC-EX files will accordingly be rejected.